
Area of Expertise

Safety and Energy

Energy Audit

Fire Safety Audit

Structural Audit

Staff Augmentation

Fire Safety and Emergency Response

Job Safety Analysis

Emergency Response and Disaster Management

Electrical Safety Audit

Staff Augmentation helps in leveraging existing resources and evaluating what additional skills are needed. This is an outsourcing strategy.


This Audit facilitates the organizations by

  • Providing competent safety personnel on sites for daily supervision and monitoring of safety practices regarding multiple activities carried out on-site
  • Safety Management at site

Benefit of the Audit:

Large EPC and Construction projects are associated with operations in remote areas, uneven and difficult terrains, deployment of heavy moving and engineering equipment along with employment of large amount of manpower. Apart from the above, the hazards and risks are also dynamic and are constantly changing from time to time. This sector is reported to be one of the major contributors for fatal accident across the world. The costs of overlooking safety standards and not paying adequate attention can lead to major disasters eroding the credibility and reputation of the organizations. Hence regular review and monitoring of the safety systems and constant supervision, monitoring and evaluations by competent safety professional on a continuous basis is necessary to avoid fatal accidents and injuries on the sites.