
Area of Expertise

Safety and Energy

Energy Audit

Fire Safety Audit

Structural Audit

Staff Augmentation

Fire Safety and Emergency Response

Job Safety Analysis

Emergency Response and Disaster Management

Electrical Safety Audit

The company provides services for Energy Audits, Energy Efficiency validation studies, Detail Project Report preparation (DPR and Energy Conservation for multiple sectors. TQ Cert Services Pvt.Limited has a pool of experienced BEE certified/accredited energy auditors, in various disciplines such as Electrical, Mechanical, Chemical and Mining.

The audit provides a clear understanding of energy consumption in Commercial buildings, Mining, Process Industries, Power plants, Cement, Pulp & Paper, Textiles, Chlor-Alkali, Fertilizer, Iron & Steel, Aluminium, and Sugar etc.

The company’s energy audit includes:

  • LT & HT Power distribution studies
  • Load Studies of Motors under different operational conditions and study of Mechanical Power Transmission systems
  • Power Factor Monitoring & Control studies
  • Harmonic Analysis
  • Compressed Air System studies
  • Water Pumping system studies
  • Refrigeration & Air Conditioning system studies
  • Study of Electrical Furnaces/ Ovens
  • Study of DG Setss
  • Illumination Studies


Methodology Adopted:

Methodology adopted during audit for achieving the desired objectives viz. assessment of the current operational status and energy savings include the following:

  • Discussions with the concerned officials/ supervisors in the site for identification of major areas of focus and related systems
  • A team of certified energy auditors visit the site to collect data/ information on the load distribution and energy consumption pattern. The data is analysed to arrive at a base line energy consumption pattern.
  • Measurements and monitoring with the help of appropriate instruments including continuous and/ or time-lapse recording, as appropriate and visual observations are made to identify the energy usage pattern and losses in the system.
  • Computation and in-depth analysis of the collected data, including analysis and other techniques as appropriate is done and to evolve suitable energy conservation plan/s for improvements/ reduction in specific energy consumption.



  • Assessing present level of performance and efficiency of your establishment-utility systems and equipment.
  • Evaluating the present status of energy consumption against the standard specific consumption norms.
  • Targeting reduction of energy cost 5 to 25%-depending on individual case with an attractive ‘pay-back’ period.
  • Identifying, short, medium & long term measures for implementation
  • Capacity building of employees to improve their awareness regarding energy conservation.


Benefits of the Audit:

The company’s energy audit services can provide a range of benefits. The findings of an energy audit can help the management in making commercial decisions. The company can acquire a sustainable reputation amongst their customers. As the law or policy for energy efficiency will be enacted sooner or later; earlier preparation can enhance the company’s competitiveness.