TQ FoodCert Services Pvt Limited is accredited under INDGAP Certification for domestic market by Quality Council of India (QCI). This certification can be obtained by an individual farmer or by group of farmers.
Benefits of this Certification:
- IndGAP helps production of safe food at primary production level by eliminating chances of enterance of contaminants like pesticide residues, veterinary (antibiotic) drug residues, metallic residues, aflatoxin residues, microbiological contaminants.
- It Increases the awareness amongst the Small and Marginal Farmers on the importance of Soil Analysis, Water Testing, Planning of Crops, Use of Agri Inputs, Harvesting and Market Linkages.
- It helps in Increasing the connectivity between new and successful Farmers.
- It has measurable improvements in terms of increased productivity, quality of the produce, sustainable operations and Income levels.
- The reduction of contaminants entering the food chain eliminates harmful processes in the food chain as bio-magnification and bio-concentration (accumulation of toxic chemicals in food chains) which is detrimental to both human health and environment
Certification Process:
- Ind Gap Client Data
- QMS-F33 Agreement For Certification Services
- QMS-P06 Procedure for Competence Evaluation and Monitoring of CB Personnel
- QMS-P09 Procedure For Complaint handling Mechanism
- QMS-P10 Procedure Appeals and Disputes
- QMS-P15 Procedure for Issuance Of Registration
- QMS-P22 Procedure for Use Extending Reducing suspending and withdrawing certification
- TQ Cert-Quality Policy